Over the last decade, the Church has witnessed a growing trend of young adults who are leaving the Christian faith.

In the mid 2000, The Barna Group reported that six out of ten twenty somethings who were involved in a church during their teen are now spiritually disengaged as adults.  The study concluded that for most young adults, this pattern of disengagement is not merely a temporary phase in which they test the boundaries of independence, but is one that continues deeper into adulthood.  Also, 16 to 29 year olds are more sceptical of and resistant to Christianity than were people of the same age just a decade ago.

Reginald Bibby, a professor of sociology at the University of Lethbridge, found that since 1984, the proportion of Canadian young adults who never attended services has risen from 28 percent to 47 percent and almost two thirds of them said that “what’s right or wrong is a matter of personal opinion.”  Furthermore, another Canadian study reported that 90% of emerging adults who attended church regularly would rather accept people’s differences on moral issues than challenge their differences.

…despite all this, God is still in control.

God is at work raising up a next generation who are choosing to be “in” but not “of” the world. Throughout history, God has used young adults to make a difference; slaves, shepherds, soldiers, kings, queens, prophets, fishermen, college students, and missionaries.

…and the same is happening today.

We are convinced God is awakening a generation who are shifting from self centred pursuits in order to passionately make Jesus known in whatever context their lives flow into.

…to be fluid.

To that end, Fluid simply exist to join God’s movement of awakening young adults to the reality of Jesus Christ and inspire them to live passionately and purposely for Him.

Samuel Williams is co-founder & content director at Fluid. He is also the teaching pastor at Avenue Community Church in Toronto, Canada.